On Mon, Nov 19, 2007 at 08:21:17AM -0500, Juan Miscaro wrote:
> On two OpenBSD 4.2 systems I have a (master) system that contains two
> repositories - one of regular packages and one of packages derived from
> ports.  On the client (slave) system I have a script with a PKG_PATH
> containing both repositories:
> PKG_PATH_LAN1=ftp://$MASTER/$VERSION/packages/
> PKG_PATH_LAN2=ftp://$MASTER/$VERSION/packages/by_port/i386/all/
> However the second one (PKG_PATH_LAN2) is never consulted.  If I remove
> the first one then packages are found and installed with no problem.
> Why is this happening?

Because it's designed that way.

The second entry is only consulted if a matching package is not found in
the first repository. It works like a linker path: pkg_add only looks
at entries while it did not find a suitable candidate.

The intention is that you should put your preferred repository at the front,
and less wanted stuff later: if pkg_add finds something in the preferred
repository, it won't even look at the rest.

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