On Tue, Dec 11, 2007 at 05:11:25PM -0700, Jack J. Woehr wrote:
> Jacob Meuser wrote:
> >his absolutism also causes people to see BSD as a "problem", a
> >"social failure".
> >  
> In everything, there is light and dark, interwoven :-)
> >recently we saw theft of BSD to GPL, and a large part of the
> >GPL community thinks there's no problem with that, that the
> >BSD community is being "petty" to make an issue out of it.
> >  
> Well, sue 'em, if it's so. But no point in sulking. Like the ENTIRE
> PROGRAMMING COMMUNITY, we're a bunch of cantankerous,
> contentious, contumacious perfectionists.


I do/have done a fair amount of work adding/maintaining GPL software
in the ports collection.  I was working on a port for libcdio, an
GNU project.  there'a a file in NetBSD's pkgsrc that adds support
for NetBSD/OpenBSD cd(4).  that file is BSD licensed.  the
README.libcdio file in the libcdio sources mentions this file and
says it can't be included because it's not GPL.  I contacted the
libcdio maintainer about this file, and he again said he could not
include it because the BSD license is incompatible.  whatever.
so I contacted the author of said file, asking if he could change the
license so it could be included upstream. he eventually agreed.

I'm only posting this because I understand how easy it could be to
look at my remarks and conclude I'm just another theo fan-boy BSD

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