On Dec 14, 2007 8:51 PM, Benjamin M. A'Lee <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> If you use a BSD licence, you are allowing your code to be included in a
> proprietary application under a proprietary licence, and there is no
> requirement for your parts of the source to be distributed under the BSD
> licence by the proprietary developers.
> If you use a BSD licence, you are allowing your code to be included in a
> free application under the GNU General Public Licence, and there is no
> requirement for your parts of the source to be distributed under the BSD
> licence by the GPL-software developers.

Theo actually made a very good point on this a couple of months back,
during the whole "lets relicense reyk's code" fiasco.  He showed how
Microsoft remained compliant with the license when it re-releases bsd
code, but how GPL'ing the code violated both the spirit *AND* the
letter of the law.

The OpenBSD folks really do understand licensing, and put forth a lot
of energy in making sure their stuff is fully compliant to licensing
(witness the removal of ipf, the creation of openssh, etc).

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"Securing an environment of Windows platforms from abuse - external or
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