* David H. Lynch Jr. <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [2007-12-15 13:27:26]:

> Travers Buda wrote:
> > * David H. Lynch Jr. <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [2007-12-14 14:39:49]:
> >>
> >> Put away the licenses and open up your mind. God did not write the
> >> licenses,
> >> People wrote them. They wrote them to meet specific needs.
> >>
> >> Blobs are not bad because Theo says so, or RMS says so or the GPL says
> >> so or BSD says so.
> >> Whether software hardware or whatever there are good logical reasons.
> >> There is no classic BSD vs. GPL - not unless you are trapped in one
> >> world or the other.
> >> Either you know what free means to you without a license to refer to or
> >> you don't.
> >> If you really beleive that somehow hardware binary blobs - not that thee
> >> really is such a thing are evil, and software ones
> >> aren't then say so. If not then why are you arguing?
> >>
> >>     
> >
> > What? Your argument is not concise. 
> >   
> I am not sure how to state this much clearer. My argument is best on my
> understanding of OpenBSD principles.
> It does not matter what set of values you use to condemn binary blobs
> for drivers. The same logic works elsewhere.
> It is not my argument I am using, its yours. I just happen to aggree
> with it.
> > Evil? Blobs are not evil! That's stupid. Blobs are stupid. Blobs mean 
> >   
> >>>> Rely on someone else to make it
> >>>> Rely on someone else to fix it
> >>>> Design X.org in a crappy way so said blobs can be used
> >>>> Security...  Christ, it's not about ethics, it's about the
> >>>>         
> > quality of the OS.  You GPL zealots are a bunch of religious nut-jobs
> >   
> The quality of nothing else matters ?
> I do embedded work, there is often little or no boundary between the OS
> and user space.
> M$ has proven fairly effectively that you can take an OS with a
> reasonable security model and make it
> incredibly insecure through poor policy, and applications that ignore
> security entirely.
> I have not picked labels at random and slapped them on you. While I am
> not a GPL zealot,
> even if I were it adds nothing.
> My argument had nothing to do with any license.
> I took your statements to their logical conclusion.

I still am having trouble following your ramblings.

Furthermore, it is considered very poor nettiquite to privatly mail
someone about a thread, recieve that person's reply, and then cc
your reply back to the public thread.

I can't have a discussion with someone who is not civil enough to
practice this.  Take your anti-social techniques elsewhere please.

Travers Buda

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