my point was that its a possibility, as upnp support is not standard,
whether or not that is the issue at hand can be decided from game
documentation and testing with static pat

however thank you for the mention of the upnp daemons, i will have to
check those out.

On 24/12/2007, Nick Gustas <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> johan beisser wrote:
> > On Dec 24, 2007, at 12:34 AM, Lord Sporkton wrote:
> >>
> >> i could be wrong but here is my 2 cents:
> >>
> >> ive seen something like this related to upnp, i would venture to guess
> >> your 2 friends have routers which support upnp and so far as i know
> >> openbsd does not support upnp.
> >>
> >> I would suggest either consulting the guitar hero manual or a tcpdump
> >> for the required ports for this game and try a static pat translation
> >> to your public ip.
> >>
> >> upnp allows the wii to request certain ports from the nat device be
> >> opened for it, in this case it sounds like you wii needs certain ports
> >> open to allow the server to connect to it, normally upnp would take
> >> care of it dynamically, but you dont have upnp, so you have to static
> >> assign the pat.
> >
> >
> > UPnPd for OpenBSD..
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > Personally, I've yet to need anything like this.
> I haven't tried it with a Wii yet, but I've used miniupnp for a year or
> so now and it's worked great whenever I've needed upnp support on a pf
> firewall. Make sure you follow the documentation and add the required
> anchors to the appropriate places in your pf.conf or else you won't make
> too much progress!

-Student ID 1028219

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