Glad to hear!  However, the "rdr pass" is a bit of a "by-pass."  The
rule set is better written ...

# --- ok
rdr pass on $IF_RR proto udp from any to ($IF_RR) -> $HOST_WII
# ---

#--- better
rdr on $IF_RR inet proto udp \
from any to ($IF_RR) tag OKGAMING -> $HOST_WII
pass in log quick on sis1 inet proto udp \
 tagged OKGAMING keep state
pass out log quick on sis2 proto udp \
 tagged OKGAMING keep state

table <mybuddies> const {, }
rdr on $IF_RR inet proto udp \
from <mybuddies> to ($IF_RR) tag OKGAMING -> $HOST_WII
pass in log quick on $IF_RR inet proto udp \
 tagged OKGAMING keep state
pass out log quick on sis2 proto udp \
 tagged OKGAMING keep state

Include one of the foregoing with all due respect to the other rules in
your pf.conf.


-----Original Message-----
From: slug bait <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: pf + wii
Date: Mon, 24 Dec 2007 12:16:28 -0500

rdr pass on $IF_RR proto udp from any to ($IF_RR) -> $HOST_WII

bingo!  I just got my ass kicked in my first online match.  Thanks!  :D

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