On Sun, 6 Jan 2008 06:44:48 +0000
Jacob Meuser <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> On Sat, Jan 05, 2008 at 08:39:35PM -0600, Duncan Patton a Campbell wrote:
> > On Sat, 5 Jan 2008 17:28:39 -0800 (PST)
> > Reid Nichol <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > 
> > > Well OpenBSD is fine here.  But, are you sure about RMS?  Because he
> > > has been contradicting himself all over the place in this thread alone.
> > 
> > Richard appears to be falling into a "single point of failure" setup.  
> > Its like the "Drug Czar" concept where a single man is given enormous
> > powers and his individual weaknessess, however small and insignificant, 
> > become a mechanism for prying open the whole system.
> not the same at all.  RMS is not an appointed figurehead.  he is the
> founder of the system he represents.
> the only setup is Richard's own inability to be convincingly accurate
> and consistent.  that is neither small nor insignificant.

"Some men are born to greatness, some achive greatness, 
and some have greatness thrust upon them."

Power is power, all the same.


> -- 
> SDF Public Access UNIX System - http://sdf.lonestar.org

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