On Wed, Jan 30, 2008 at 09:42:15PM +0000, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> You said you live rurally - in that case, perhaps you should build/buy
> a small quality (read as: won't get wet) shed, have your systems there
> and run some outdoor-rated CAT5e from it to your house. That should
> allow you to use KVM extenders, serial, etc. Remember the
> inverse-square law for RF. RF usually is attentuated greatly by opaque
> things, though just plants etc. will also attentuate. If you can place
> it behind a hill that would be good. 

Following the electrical code, the shed would count as an outbuilding,
should have its own ground, etc.  It gets expensive quickly; comparable
to other in-house solutions.



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