Well Marco just fuck you and piss off...ok?
If you don't care stfu and do something else and let people talk who may
care about "physical" things. And "phyisical" in the meaning of something
related to physics... (just in case you don't know it's the thing you may
missed in school...)

Or why don't you just fix pcre or some other issues wih are still present
in OpenBSD except of nerving me with pretty unproductive comments?

And it's no shame to know nothing about physics! That's why universities
do exists.. even in your city.. I'm sure.

So seriously: if you've any "productive" or "critical" comment feel free
to post it just stop bitching 'course it does not help/solve anything
except of wasting YOUR bandwith.. right? Right... :)

Kind regards,

And you'll be the last who can claim that there trolls on the oBSD
mailinglist... you're a pretty nice example so I recomment that every zoo
should have one or two of your kind....

So did we exchanged now enought greetings? Then we might could go back to
the roots... thanks.

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