On 2008-02-25, Kasper Revsbech <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> The reason why I ask is because of a strange behaviour of my dhcpd 
> serer, or at lease my interfaces.
> I run a Inet gateway on a soekris 5501 

> The fun begins here, when i turn on and off the windows machines a 
> couple of times one of the can't obtain a IP. It actually brings  down  
> the whole interface. I can't attach  another BSD machine and run 
> dhclient. Even if I set my own ip-addr on the client and starts to ping 
> I can't reach the other machine. It dosn't even answer on arp on that if.
> This is only solved by rebooting til gateway machine.

I've seen something that seems a bit like that on a 5501 here
(no dhcp, just a bridge(4) of all the interfaces). I think it must
be lower level than DHCP, more like vr(4) or the PHY.

Link up, but frames not appearing on the interface. Actually I thought
I had a broken board, but it seems a bit much of a coincidence if the same
sort of thing happens to you too...

It was nice that Soekris gave 5501 boards to speakers at eurobsdcon,
but maybe they should also get some out to NIC driver developers (if
they can find any that want them, that is ;-)

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