movie15... yes, I know it from latex-beamer... it's (was?) crap

It will only embed movies under acroread AND windows... and asks for
very recent pdflatex versions... at least this was the case one year
ago, when I gave it a chance last time...

evince, on the other hand, is not displaying perfectly the beamer
layout and I don't know how to tell evince that it must use xine to
reproduce the linked movies of my pdf talks... kpdf is more
intelligent but as slow as a Spanish bureaucrat...

For now latex-beamer + apm -H + evince seems to be the winner
combination in my case

2008/3/19, Predrag Punosevac <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> In the next couple sentences I will try to answer some of the questions
>  you guys asked me about powerdot
>  class of latex presentations.
>  1. Yes it is easier to learn than the Beamer but if know Beamer and it
>  works for you maybe you should
>  stick to your guns.
>  This is the link to documentation and the source file for powerdot
>  I want to reiterate that is very easy to customize slides unlike Beamer
>  although you can see in the documentation that
>  the package comes with about 20 different layouts and many more
>  different color patterns.
>  Trying to install manually on the top of teTeX will probably fail due to
>  the fact that teTeX uses some outdated
>  fonts. I tired in the past. It is not worthy as TeXLive in current ports
>  three is rock solid.
>  2. There were many questions about Movies. Yes, It is possible to embed
>  movies  into  the slides.
>  Please follow the link
>  The following link contains also extensive discussion of movie15 package
>  and some examples
>  Cheers,
> Predrag
>  Girish Venkatachalam wrote:
>  > On 17:45:26 Mar 18, Predrag Punosevac wrote:
>  >
>  >> I am a mathematician so I am quite often in the same position as you to
>  >> give presentations which contain
>  >> lots of formulas and images.
>  >> I use Powerdot class of Latex presentations (descendant of Prosper an
>  >> obsolete class of presentations )  which is as an alternative to the 
> Beamer
>  >> class. For the comprehensive review of all classes of presentations for
>  >> latex you may check
>  >>
>  >>
>  >>
>  >> The advantages over Powerdot over Beamer are numerous.
>  >> Powerdot is far easier (has only 60 man pages v.s. Beamer man pages are
>  >> over 400 pages).
>  >> It is also very simple to incorporate movies into your slides. The slides
>  >> are easily customized
>  >> and in my point of view far more beautiful than the Beamer.
>  >>
>  >
>  > That will be really cool. ;)
>  >
>  > I love beauty both in women and in my work. ;)
>  >
>  > What about movies?
>  >
>  >
>  >> The popularity of Beamer seems comes from the fact that you can use
>  >> pdflatex to produce pdf slides.
>  >> That is not possible with Powerdot as it uses some PostScript tricks. So
>  >> you will have to latex slides followed by
>  >> dvips and ps2pdf or dvipdfm to produce pdf slides. The ultimate goal of
>  >> course is to produce pdf slides.
>  >>
>  >>
>  >
>  > That is no problem at all.
>  >
>  >
>  >> I noticed that one has to use Adobe Reader (I prefer Xpdf as well) which 
> is
>  >> only available from ports due to the
>  >> license issues in order to have alive links on slides. That seems to be
>  >> built in feature ( I would call it bug)
>  >> which should be communicated probably up stream. The slides are very
>  >> responsive.  I  personally have not seen better
>  >> looking slides on any platform and I think I have seen it all.
>  >>
>  >> Powerdot class of presentations is part of TeXLive but not the part of
>  >> teTeX. As you know teTeX is
>  >> dead for about three years now and the TeXLive is official TeX 
> distribution
>  >> for Unix maintained by TeX community.
>  >> TeXLive  is available only from ports for OpenBSD 4.2.
>  >> However you will have to use port for 4.3 current (soon to be release) as 
> I
>  >> stumbled upon a bug in Powerdot
>  >> class of presentation. The bug was in TeXLive source code and was well
>  >> documented.
>  >> It is already fixed by port maintainer for OpenBSD 4.3.
>  >>
>  >> As far as I know TeXLive will be regular package (you will not need to use
>  >> ports) starting OpenBSD 4.3. This is
>  >> only second Unix like system after Debian to have fully functional TeXLive
>  >> thanks to Edd Baret porter of TeXLive
>  >> for OpenBSD. On the last note I recommend that you install full TeXLive
>  >> which is about 1Gb but includes
>  >> all TeX/Latex features coded at the moment. I am not sure if the TeXLive
>  >> base includes Powerdot. I would guess yes.
>  >>
>  >>
>  >
>  > I don't mind waiting till May 1.
>  >
>  > It is much better than Beamer?
>  >
>  > Do I have to go thro' the same learning curve?
>  >
>  > Your argument is quite convincing though. What about movies?
>  >
>  > -Girish
>  >
>  > --
>  > "unix soi qui mal y pense"
>  >
>  > UNIX to him who evil thinks
>  >
>  > +------------------------------------------------------------------+
>  > | GnuPG key  : 0xC7BBF207  |            |
>  > | Fingerprint: 2AFF C264 20CE C80C DDFF  CC15 AD3E F190 C7BB F207  |
>  > +------------------------------------------------------------------+
>  >
>  > [demime 1.01d removed an attachment of type application/pgp-signature]

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