On 2008-03-30, Jacob Meuser <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> 3. I'm asking about this, because I'm wondering, how difficult could be to
>> port softphone application to OpenBSD - I'm considering two: linphone and
>> tclphone. It's very likely, that the latter would be much easier. And
>> exactly when using softphones having a possibility to mute one output and
>> activate the second one (and the opposite, when talk is finished) is very
>> comfortable solution.
> please use 4.3 or -current.  there were full-duplex issues, especially
> in osaudio(3) in 4.2 and before.
> pjsua is in ports/telephony.

It works pretty well, but isn't great at alerting you to incoming calls.
It has a big advantage over a lot of the early linux-centric softphones
though: it has the ability to resample audio to a hardware-supported rate.

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