On Mon, Apr 07, 2008 at 05:20:01PM +0000, Matthew Szudzik wrote:
> On Mon, Apr 07, 2008 at 04:44:08PM +0000, Jacob Meuser wrote:
> > or, quit using firefox.  it's security record is rather lousy, wouldn't
> > you agree?
> What alternatives to firefox do you suggest?

On my main desktop, I use debian.  While its not OpenBSD, they do
respond quickly to security problems and, on stable (Etch right now),
they backport the fix to the version in stable, and provide a new binary
update.  While firefox is a large binary and takes a while to download
on dialup, at least there is not compile time.

I wish there was a way to use OpenBSD for the main base system but to
use Debian binary packages (debs) for third-party apps.  Looking into
the details of this is on my todo list.

IIUC, debian debs can't be in something that is chrooted but I don't
understand the reasons or if it applies to all packages (e.g.
firefox/iceweasel).  However, on debian chroots work just fine if the
right directories are mounted (e.g. proc).  Debian has a package call
schroot which allows ordinary users to run programs as themselves in the
chroot and handles automatically bind-mounting necessary directories.
Each user gets their own copy of the chroot.  


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