Ok, much progress.
I got to the point where it boots the flash update and I believe I have to fix
the jumper now.

Here are some tricks.If you read the footnote of the instructions, you realize
that RARPD and DHCP are applesand apples. You must pick just one. And it isn't
up to you. It is how the Sun boots.
So, extreme measure:  Take both machines off the main network. No more dhcp,
temporarily.  Run one cable between them. No more wireless, temporarily.  edit
/etc/hostname.if (hostname.gem0 for me) on the rarpd/tftpd server to give it a
static address   I used -- right from the start of "man hostname.if"
edit /etc/hosts as instructed, I usd
I'm not sure how you "really" set up network booting. This can't be it.I know
more modern systems to have dhcp in the boot environment. That should help
This got me to the point of rarpd sending a reply and then the Sun waiting and
telling meto double check the tftpd server.
Now, I varied a few things flailing around, but I think the main one wasthat
the files in /tftpboot should be named in all caps.
I also killed and restarted inetd, not just -1 (sighup), but that's probably
not needed.
I also ran inetd -d and it reported starting tftpd and then shortly after
reaping it.If I ran tftpd under gdb, it exited with 1 after a short run.I was
considering building it from source and debugging, but I haven't built OpenBSD
yet.I THINK it was the CAPS in the file names, but not sure.
AHA the instructions to use a capital X. I mistyped that.
Now to open the machine and deal with the jumper...
 - Jay

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