... From a file I sent the output of uptime and date to a while back...

 bash-2.04$ cat 1111.days
 2:08PM  up 1111 days, 19:28, 2 users, load averages: 0.11, 0.12, 0.08
 Fri Mar 23 14:08:50 PDT 2007

Soon after that the UPS my box was connected to at the ISP died and had
to be replaced.

It's still a stock 2.8 GENERIC#399 i386 system that has seen many
attacks but not a break in. It's not a critical system, only my toy box.
While the big uptime was fun I now believe in doing my updates/upgrades
and rebooting a little more often.


-----Original Message-----
Of J.C. Roberts
Sent: Tuesday, October 28, 2008 7:30 PM
To: new_guy
Cc: misc@openbsd.org
Subject: Re: Longest Uptime?

On Tuesday 28 October 2008, new_guy wrote:
> I know. Longest uptime is silly, macho, pointless stuff... but I ran
> across an old SunOS 2.6 box that had been up for 387 days. It had been

> hacked. The only reason it was not an open mail relay is that /var was

> full. So, I thought to myself, "I bet I could run an OpenBSD box for
> that amount of time or longer without getting hacked and without doing

> much to it." Just wondering what's the longest OpenBSD uptime some
> folks on misc have seen?
> Thanks

We all have embarrassing secrets regarding systems we've failed to
properly maintain, but bragging about uptime is just like bragging about
the ugliest people you've slept with.

Sure, you did it, but that doesn't make it a good idea.

(Jon glances lustfully at his ancient but seldom used laptop)


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