On 2008 Dec 02 (Tue) at 14:19:42 -0500 (-0500), Dan Harnett wrote:
:On Tue, Dec 02, 2008 at 04:40:28PM +0100, Mattieu Baptiste wrote:
:> I noticed some problems with radeondrm since a few days. I have an IBM T43
:> (dmesg following) and when I exit X, my system crashes. Since it is a laptop
:> without serial port, I can not give further details.
:> I contacted oga@ about this issue but it's impossible to diagnose without
:> more details than a dmesg... So I send this email to misc to see if people
:> are in the same situation but with a built-in serial port in the machine.
:From http://www.openbsd.org/faq/faq2.html#Bugs
:  "...  In this case, Smart User provided output captured on a serial
:  console; if you can not do that, you will have to use paper and pencil
:  to record the crash."
:You can use any means necessary to copy that information.  Some methods
:are more tedious than others.  As long as the end result is readable
:plain text.

minor problem.  X doesn't repaint the screen into text mode when it
panics, so its not possible to read anything.

You can try `boot reboot`, or `boot dump`, either might give you
information, but its not guarenteed.

I like your game but we have to change the rules.

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