2008/12/12 Stephan A. Rickauer <stephan.ricka...@ini.phys.ethz.ch>:
> We have a simple two-node CARP cluster, each with three em(2)'s and one
> fxp0() interface. The setup runs fine since OpenBSD 3.7.
> Being part of University Zurich our firewall has a 1GBit uplink to the
> central Uni infrastructure. Recently we have seen that utilizing this
> link heavily (e.g. when our Tivoli Storage Manager Client behind our
> firewall starts backing up "some" Gigabytes to Uni) both CARP interfaces
> of both nodes would go into MASTER state.
> I could imagine that CARP advertisments are no longer sent and/or
> received 'in time' due to the heavy load so that the BACKUP believes it
> should become MASTER.
> Wouldn't this be a general CARP problem under heavy load? And if so, how
> do people here deal with it? I was thinking of adding a simple
> priq-based ALTQ rule only for CARP. Does this make sense? Or would it be
> possible (theoretically) to send carp ads over a dedicated link?
> (Almost) any comments welcome. ;)

What link are you sending the CARP advertisements over? E.g. do you
use a dedicated link (separate NICs and cable connection between the
CARPed machines) or do you send the CARP advertisements over existing
other links? (Which? Please illustrate.)


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