2008/12/12 Stephan A. Rickauer <stephan.ricka...@ini.phys.ethz.ch>:
> On Fri, 2008-12-12 at 14:11 +0100, ropers wrote:
>> What link are you sending the CARP advertisements over? E.g. do you
>> use a dedicated link (separate NICs and cable connection between the
>> CARPed machines) or do you send the CARP advertisements over existing
>> other links? (Which? Please illustrate.)
> I didn't know I had a choice what link to send the ads over. In other
> words, the CARP ads are send over the corresponding underlying, physical
> interfaces, without a dedicated link.
> e.g.: em0.a/em0.b=carp0 => ads send over em0's
> Can I use 'carppeer' to specify *one* dedicated link for all the other
> CARP interfaces?
> We do have a dedicated link for pfsync, though.

Maybe --possibly-- my own understanding is sorely lacking. Let me try
to explain. The following requires a non-proportional font:

Is this what your CARP setup looks like?

     external network
    |                |
OpenBSD#0        OpenBSD#1
    |                |
     internal network

If so, are the CARP advertisements being sent via the external or
internal network?

OTOH, if you have a dedicated link, maybe your setup looks like this?

     external network
    |                |
    |                |
     internal network

I was under the impression that it should be possible to exchange CARP
advertisements via the dedicated link (--------), though I have to
admit that I haven't actually built such a network yet -- I'm planning
to do that shortly. Maybe others can weigh in?


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