On 2008-12-15, Toni Mueller <openbsd-m...@oeko.net> wrote:
> On Mon, 15.12.2008 at 10:14:41 +0200, Jussi Peltola <pe...@pelzi.net> wrote:
>> IME forwarded packets seem to somehow have a higher priority than
>> self-originated traffic in most OS's; don't know why this is, just a gut
>> feeling.
> I guess that this is true. In any case, if he would be able to maintain
> a bandwidth difference between the routers and his uplink, things
> should start working again.
> The bandwidth difference could probably be achieved by trunking.

Depending on how the hash function works out, trunking might not
help there.

What isn't clear yet is whether the problem is caused by the *link*
being overloaded, or the *firewalls* being overloaded. Stephan, it
might be interesting to run systat vm .2 on an active firewall
while the big TSM transfer is taking place, look at cpu use,
interrupts/sec etc.

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