I'm  run kvm-72 in debian 5.0(lenny) amd64, dell 2950.
Only OpenBSD-x64 vm has such problem, the Linux-x64 vm running good.

2009/1/7 tico <t...@raapid.net>:
> Dongsheng,
> I've been able to reproduce (what appears to be) your problem on my i386 kvm
> box.
> In my case, using CPU scaling (apmd) on my OpenBSD client would cause it to
> get screwy and lose the clock source if I alternately let it run idle and
> then ran a bunch of CPU or I/O intensive tasks on it.
> Some googling appears that this is a known problem with some versions of KVM
> not emulating the RTC correctly, though I'm not 100% sure, as I'm not a KVM
> developer. Folks have recommended disabling HPET in the BIOS and/or making
> sure that the host linux kernel has HPET_EMULATE_RTC set in the .config
> though I experienced this problem with my OpenBSD guests even with that
> option set in the hosting linux kernel.
> In my case, I found that not enabling apmd at all (and rebooting the guests
> where I *had* enabled it, even once) made the problem much more bearable.
> Basically if the machine is mostly idle I never get the "Alternate system
> clock has died" message on 'systat -w1 vmstat', and it doesn't lock up
> anymore like it did when apmd was running.
> Now the only issues I have are that under high load I occasionally get
> em0: watchdog timeout -- resetting
> em0: watchdog timeout -- resetting
> em0: watchdog timeout -- resetting
> messages on the console when using the e1000 NIC emulation, but it doesn't
> seem to be too severe right now, and is only occurring when I'm serving a
> decent bit of data (55-68mbps SSH/rsync data).
> Best of luck,
> -Tico
> Dongsheng Song wrote:
>> When I running OpenBSD under kvm,  process time aways 0 !
>> [dongsh...@dl:~/kvm]% cat OpenBSD-x64/start.sh              [09-01-05
>> 21:53:50]
>> #!/bin/sh
>> cd /home/dongsheng/kvm/OpenBSD-x64
>> kvm -name OpenBSD-x64 -m 1024M -hda hda.img \
>>    -cdrom ../../var/iso/openbsd-amd64-4_4-20081215.iso \
>>    -net nic,vlan=0,macaddr=52:54:00:12:34:01,model=e1000 \
>>    -net tap,vlan=0,ifname=tap01,script=no \
>>    -net nic,vlan=1,macaddr=52:54:00:12:34:11,model=e1000 \
>>    -net tap,vlan=1,ifname=tap11,script=no \
>>    -vnc :11 -daemonize
>> [dongsh...@x64:~]% w                                        [09-01-05
>> 21:53:17]
>>  9:53PM  up 16 days, 13:30, 1 user, load averages: 0.08, 0.08, 0.08
>> USER    TTY FROM              LOGIN@  IDLE WHAT
>> dongsheng p0     9:53PM     0 w
>> load averages:  0.06,  0.08,  0.08
>> 21:53:37
>> 17 processes:  16 idle, 1 on processor
>> CPU states:  1.1% user,  0.3% nice, 11.0% system,  7.9% interrupt, 79.7%
>> idle
>> Memory: Real: 11M/134M act/tot  Free: 852M  Swap: 0K/2055M used/tot
>>  8430 root       2    0 1188K 2032K sleep    select    0:00  0.00%
>> sendmail
>> 26190 root       2    0  696K 1344K idle     select    0:00  0.00% sshd
>> 26396 _syslogd   2    0  452K  824K sleep    poll      0:00  0.00% syslogd
>> 26716 root       2    0  472K  884K idle     select    0:00  0.00% cron
>> 16624 root       2    0  400K  868K idle     select    0:00  0.00% inetd
>>    1 root      10    0  360K  364K idle     wait      0:00  0.00% init
>> 21396 dongshen   2    0  340K 1416K idle     select    0:00  0.00%
>> ssh-agent
>> 13401 dongshen  18    0  976K 3132K sleep    pause     0:00  0.00% zsh
>> 10013 root       2    0 3372K 3092K idle     netio     0:00  0.00% sshd
>>  7279 root       2    0  420K  740K idle     netio     0:00  0.00% syslogd
>> 20347 dongshen  28    0  448K 1496K onproc   -         0:00  0.00% top
>> 15854 dongshen   2    0 3344K 2180K sleep    select    0:00  0.00% sshd
>> 2009/1/4 Michiel van Baak <mich...@vanbaak.info>:
>>> On 09:41, Sat 03 Jan 09, Daniel A. Ramaley wrote:
>>> Running OpenBSD under VirtualBox is not stable at all.
>>> I have good experience running OpenBSD under xen, kvm and vmware-server.

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