On 20 February 2009 c. 08:24:28 David Heinrich wrote:
> I am trying to install OpenBSD 4.4 amd64 onto my system. I obtained
> the install CD ISO from
> ftp://ftp.openbsd.org/pub/OpenBSD/4.4/amd64/install44.iso
> and
> ftp://ftp.openbsd.org/pub/OpenBSD/4.4/amd64/cd44.iso
> (the same thing happens whether I use the full or mini boot CD made
> from those ISO files).
> If I boot from the CD, and let the CD auto-boot (or if I start typing
> when prompted with the "boot>" prompt and then type "boot"), it goes
> through the startup messages, and stalls at the "softraid0 at root"
> step. The boot hangs on "Softraid0 at root".
> I can't find information on this in the archives, and I have tried
> typing "disable softraid" and searching for how to disable softraid
> with no success. A friend suggested "boot -d" to boot in debugging
> mode, but this didn't give me any debugging options and just went
> through the normal boot, again stalling at softraid0. If this is
> something where the answer is online but I haven't been able to find
> it, please refer me to the site.

You should type "disable softraid" after entering UKC using "boot -c" at
the bootloader prompt. More details on UKC you can find here:

If bug is fixed in CURRENT, you can give it a try: I'm sure you'll
realize that you want to reinstall OpenBSD due to some errors made
during installation soon. :)

  Best wishes,
    Vadim Zhukov

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