2009/4/8 Lazarus Wasbeim <lazarus.wasb...@googlemail.com>:
> On Wed, Apr 8, 2009 at 4:04 PM, Artur Grabowski <a...@blahonga.org> wrote:
>> Lazarus Wasbeim <lazarus.wasb...@googlemail.com> writes:
>> > L'haim.
>> >
>> > It's quite amazing how low these who calls themselves developers can go
>> at
>> > pouring dirt all over somebody they were shaking hands with just moments
>> > ago.
>> [...]
>> > ... and God bless my friends.
>> Not everyone believes in turning the other cheek.
> Perhaps you are not aware of the true meaning of that metaphore.
> It was a custom for romans to slap the jews with their left hand
> as to signify them being not worthy "humane" treatment as
> being hit with the right arm. Thus the saying "turn the other chick"
> as in if you going to hit me then hit me as a human equal to yourself.

[citation needed]

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