Am 05.04.2009 um 19:44 schrieb ropers:

I'm looking for a colour laser printer that's so cheap that I can put
it on my birthday wish list and stand a chance of getting it (too
broke to buy one myself).

- The printer should work with OpenBSD without a hitch, and by that I
don't mean "can sometimes be gotten to work by endlessly tweaking
CUPS", and I also don't mean "can be gotten to work with compat_linux
and a binary blob",
- the printer should also be Linux-compatible (Windows-compatibility
not required),
- it should be a colour laser printer,
- replacement cartridges shouldn't be prohibitively expensive,
- and it should be as cheap as possible without totally sucking monkey balls.**

Oh, and I have an aversion to HP, so it would be better if it wasn't from them.

we use some quite cheap HP printers with OpenBSD. Since you have an aversion
to HP, I did not look up the number.

They work nicely with LaTeX and cost in the $300-400 range I've been told.

All-in-one stuff and similar shenanigans aren't important at all. In
fact, I'd prefer it if the device didn't offer that, as BSD/Linux
support of such features tends to be spotty.
I looked at and didn't see any
printers mentioned there, though I suppose they sort of fall under
RJ45 support or ulpt(4) and the
rest is lpd/CUPS? If a printer is supported by CUPS/Linux, will it
work on OpenBSD? Sorry for the daft questions, but a cursory Google
search didn't reveal much. I found this: and
this: , but while it offers
good info on specific printers, entering requirements such as
"blob-free" and "colour laser" and then searching for a list of
suitable models doesn't seem to be possible there.

If anyone could recommend anything, or even warn me against buying
certain models, I'd be very grateful.

Thanks and regards,

**My current inkjet printer takes well over a minute to print a single
page, so my definition of "not totally sucking monkey balls" is
actually quite modest.

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