On Sun, May 10, 2009 16:09, Kaltashkin Eugene wrote:
> Vadim Zhukov wrote:
>> On Sunday 10 May 2009 22:40:18 Kaltashkin Eugene wrote:
>>> Hi ppls.
>>> On my EEEPC 1000H i cannot use any program which use direct access to
>>> my Ralink 2860 :(
>>> i'm not see any devices in /dev named ral0, but many programs, for
>>> example: wmwlmon, wmnetload see my card correctly.
>>> How i can resolve this problem ?
>>> Maybe who know some params for mknod or another way ?
>> Well, you should start from reading some Unix literature first...
>> Network devices are not presented in filesystem because it creates too
>> much overhead. If you want to do that you should definitely go to
>> Hurd... What programs do you run that require such access? What do you
>> want to do this way?
> for example dstumbler
> zhecka:/home/zhecka# /usr/local/sbin/dstumbler
> usage: /usr/local/sbin/dstumbler <device> [-d] [-osn] [-m <int>] [-g
> <gps device>] [-l <logfile>]
> zhecka:/home/zhecka# /usr/local/sbin/dstumbler /dev/ral0
> error: unable to ioctl device socket: Device not configured
> zhecka:/home/zhecka# /usr/local/sbin/dwepdump -w -s /dev/ral0 123
> * dwepdump v0.2 by h1kari <h1k...@dachb0den.com> *
> * Copyright (c) Dachb0den Labs 2002 [http://dachb0den.com] *
> starting pcap capture loop...
>  device: /dev/ral0
> error: unable to open device for packet capture: /dev/ral0: Device not
> configured
> somebody generate wrong packets on my wifi channel and block access to
> my ap.
> i need dump some info from air packets for detect this intruder and
> block it by mac.

you should not use /dev/ral0. use just ral0 instead.


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The God of balance you shall be

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