On 2009-05-25, Daniel Gracia Garallar <danie...@electronicagracia.com> wrote:
> Sure and additional framework should make easy porting other projects to 
> OpenBSD, but as far as audio programming is related, native audio 
> support is nicely implemented and rock solid.

most of the applications which already have some way to use multiple
audio backends are reasonably straightforward to port to sndio - there's
quite a lot of example code in the ports tree.

> Just missing some samplerate convert not relying in aucat! So I can use 
> it on several devices at once, but that's a patch -filtering is the hard 
> trick- I'll work into :)

keeping samplerate conversion out of the kernel was a deliberate decision;
you can run multiple copies of aucat with different sockets/devices.

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