Then here it is

On Sun, Nov 8, 2009 at 7:17 PM, Dave Wilson <> wrote:
> Toni Mueller wrote:
>> now you only need to educate "us" about how such machines can be used
>> in an economic fashion.
>> Blaming people for not running PDA cpus for core routers or not
>> shelling out $40k for Niagara machines (supported by OpenBSD???) when
>> these are even outperformed by $4k PCs in almost all practical
>> scenarios, just doesn't cut it. Much less so if you take the rest of
>> the "supply chain" into account.
>> It's not like I was in love with x86/amd64, but it's *really*hard* to
>> go for something else.
> Further to this, if anyone is aware of any non-x86/x64 machines which
> are of similar bang-for-buck as off-the-shelf PCs, I for one would be
> *very* interested to know about them.
> An ARM laptop would be especially win :-)
> Dave W

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