On Fri, Dec 18, 2009 at 07:22:26PM +0100, ropers wrote:
> > Matthew Szudzik wrote:
> > I would like to learn to use sed, however, I did not find that the man page
> > was sufficient as a tutorial. I was not able to find any sed tutorials that
> > were consistent with OpenBSD's variation.
> I've personally thus far never bumped into any particular behaviours
> that would differentiate OpenBSD's sed(1) command syntax from that of
> other implementations. (That could be because of my relative
> inexperience, or because there are no substantial differences.)

OpenBSD's sed technicaly supports command concatation with ";" on
the command line but it breaks "branch" without label. Which correctly
branch to the end of the script on GNU sed.

On OpenBSD, to get the same behavior you would need to define a
label as the last instruction and branch to it.

That might be a bug though. (branch without label works as expected
from inline scripts)

Hugo Villeneuve <h...@eintr.net>

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