On Wed, 27 Jan 2010, Rob Sheldon wrote:

> Hi,
> So, the short version is that I have a server with OpenBSD 4.6 that can't
> fsck its big partition; fsck fails with a segfault every time. If I "ulimit
> -d unlimited" before fsck'ing, it just takes a little longer to segfault.
> It produces no other output. IIRC, the partition is roughly 6 TB. Two
> questions then: is there any way through this that doesn't involve
> newfs'ing the partition, and is there a "right" way to do a partition of
> that size in OpenBSD given fsck's 1G hard limit?
Don't know if this is related to a problem I had on a machine recently, ..
however I found that if I hung the 'bad' drive on ANOTHER machine, the
fsck ran just fine!

Might be worth a try, ..


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