hmm, on Wed, Jan 27, 2010 at 03:28:12PM +0100, Otto Moerbeek said that
> Depends on the arch. i386 is limited to 1G, amd64 is limited to 8G per
> process.  What happens if more memory is allocated than the available
> swap is that the kernel will kill random processes to free swap. That
> might be what is going on in your case. Also, in some cases a lack of
> physical memory might kill processes. 

the kernel will kill random processes?  are we talking about linux's OOM
here or openbsd?  since when is this in openbsd?  i seem to recall
some debate where openbsd devs found that idea ridiculous.  i know i do,
and the machine should panic instead of starting shooting down processes.

to get a loan you must prove you don't need it.

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