On Wed, 3 Feb 2010 18:45:13 -0700 (MST) Diana Eichert
<deich...@wrench.com> wrote:

> Really, I meant, Where would Carmen San Diego find a
> Lemote Yeeloong in the US?
> diana

I was wondering when Loongson based systems would start showing up, but
the following was a wonderful surprise:


        "The world's first laptop which contains completely free
        software. All system source files(BIOS, kernel, drivers etc.)
        are free , no close firmware needed.High performance. Tests
        show that our platform gets the best performance for 7"-9"ultra
        mobile laptops. ... "

Any vendor that puts the above on their home page, and lives up to it,
deserves support.

The Dutch Tekmote company sells them for under EUR 350 including
shipping and VAT, and they seem to ship worldwide. I'd guess there's no
VAT on non-EU orders?

I haven't found anyone in the US selling them, but I'm still looking.


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