On Mon, 15 Feb 2010 23:33:32 +0400 <open...@e-solutions.re> wrote:

> Im agree with you Aaron, but i bought his books on 14 september 2009,
> and an other book on 14 october 2009.
> If you want i can send you my Paypal receipts to prove it. I never
> received the books.
> It is a swindle ! nothing else ... And why sell books when nobody to
> occupies his website? Even if he is ill, it is not a reason (he has
> to stop selling ebooks)
> Thank's

Stop bitching and think.

1.) You do not have a name. You only have an email address.

2.) If your email address really indicates your location, then you are
on a tiny island *EAST* of Madagascar in the Indian ocean.

3.) Although the island or Reunion is technically part of France, and
hence technically part of the EU, most people believe GMT +0400 is
outside of the EU.

To put it bluntly, this is the very first time I have *EVER* seen the
".re" ccTLD being used.

Jacek is a good guy, but considering the above, most people selling
goods on the Internet would expect a scam. Your order probably got
caught up by automated scam filters in the order processing system
(e.g. an EU credit card being used with a seemingly non-EU shipping
address). This is unfortunate, but for you, it's a fact of life.


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