On Wed, Apr 14, 2010 at 05:54:35PM -0600, Diana Eichert wrote:
> On Wed, 14 Apr 2010, Jacob Meuser wrote:
> >approach it like a developer.  developers *enjoy* figuring things
> >out on their own.  of course, people who enjoy learning about a
> >subject do eventually become "advanced" at that subject, but that
> >comes with time.
> yep, like I know a lot more about alfalfa, fertilzer and weed control
> since I planted several acres.
> I did a LOT of reading on Ag sites before I started asking questions
> at the feed store.

And how impressed were the staff at the feed store with your extensive
knowledge of silver? :-).

.... Ken

> diana
> PS
> I did contact Theo right after he started up OpenBSD with some
> stupid installation question.  He pretty much told me if I didn't
> understand how to fix the problem maybe I shouldn't be using
> OpenBSD.  Shoot, that just made me mad as hell, I thought to
> myself I can figure this out and did.

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