> Then apply some logical thinking yourself, and quit drinking Stallman's 
> kool-aid.


> How many restrictions are in the BSD and ISC licenses?  For all intents 
> and purposes, one: keep the copyright message intact.  Otherwise, *free* 
> to do with as you please.  That's a fact.


> Now go look at the GPL, any version, and list the restrictions.  You 
> can't do this, you can't do that, unless you do this, unless you do that.
> There's a clue in having many versions over the years: refinements of 
> the restrictions.  That's a fact.

Actually the new license is compatible with more licenses. But, yes,
more restrictions.

> Here's a short overview:  http://www.openbsd.org/policy.html
> If you don't believe the GPL has more restrictions, ask a lawyer and see 
> for yourself.  The lawyer will give you some facts.

GPL has more legal restrictions. That's a fact. I never said otherwise.

I'm familiar with policy.html, and all those licenses. BSD, ISC and
all versions of the GPL.

> Maybe the GPL is best for *your* needs, but don't blather on about it 
> being 'free'.  You sound like an idiot.

If you define "freedom" by the number of restrictions, then the only
free license would be no license at all. Public domain. No copyright.
Thus no restrictions. No ALL CAPs notices. Not even crediting the
original developers.

I'm not questioning the ISC and BSD licenses. I consider them free,
like the GPL. And even the vim license is free, in my opinion.

I prefer the ISC or BSD over GPL for drivers, so that every project
can use it.

When you try to force your views on others with no argumentation
you may sound like one. I respect your views on GPL, but I disagree
with them. And I don't feel the need to call you names.

> WTF are you talking about?  I don't recall seeing your name on any 
> OpenBSD commits.  I know about marco@, but not *you*.  Where are your 
> commits?  STFU already.

That's because I don't yell "GPL is not free" while I'm using GPL.
I was just recalling his post on another topic.

The fact that I'm not a developer does not means I should remain
in silence.

Marco and the other person should take a look at this
>From mail.html:

   Respect differences in opinion and philosophy
          Intelligent people may look at the same set of facts and come to
          very different conclusions. Repeating the same points that
          didn't convince someone previously rarely changes their mind and
          irritates all the other readers.

Before "fixing" people's views.

This is getting more and more off-topic, and I'm predicting that
yet OpenBSD-misc another flamewar lies ahead.

No physical harm will occur, but lots of time will be wasted.

No one will benefit from that.

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