On Thu, Apr 15, 2010 at 11:39:57PM -0300, VICTOR TARABOLA CORTIANO wrote:
> > > That's because I don't yell "GPL is not free" while I'm using GPL.
> >
> > what's wrong with that?  if I use Windows and yell "Windows is not free",
> > would you think the same?
> >
> If you were insulting a Windows user, probably.

huh?  yo mama's ugly.

> > I'm curious, what freedom do you think the GPL brings to those people
> > who use a computer two hours a week?
> >
> For them? Maybe the freedom to give copies to their friends whithout
> being sued or doing anything illegal.

so, then "freedom" is about people getting shit for free?  is that why the
GPL is popular?  please, think before answering.

and, what if I modified some binaries - for my friends benefit - then
give it to them.  i.e.  I'm distributing modified GPL binaries.  are we
still in the land of absolute freedom, or am I bound to some additional
restrictions?  and would it be different if those binaries were BSD/ISC
licensed?  please, think before answering.

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