On Mon, Apr 19, 2010 at 12:42, Nicholas Marriott
<nicholas.marri...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Mon, Apr 19, 2010 at 10:45:45AM -0500, Bryan wrote:
>> I am running the latest snapshot from ftp.openbsd.org. B Install
>> appears fine, and I've had no issues until I tried to pull the latest
>> from CVS.
>> r...@openbsd-v0 /usr # CVS -d$CVSROOT checkout -P xenocara
>> cvs: can't load library 'libc.so.51.0'
>> Doing a global find shows libc.so.53.1, but no libc.so.51.0... B The
>> same thing happened after I built source over the weekend, and then
>> tried a pull this morning...
>> Tried to make a link from .51 to .53.1, but still did not work...
> The problem is the libc your cvs binary is looking for, not the
> libraries you have.
> Either you installed the wrong base tarball or aren't running the cvs
> binary you expect.
> Try upgrading to the same snapshot again.

I have pulled install47.iso from the main site (ftp.openbsd.org) twice
today, and received the same issue.  Both times... I deleted the first
.iso, and then re-downloaded it.

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