On Thu, Jun 3, 2010 at 11:18 PM, Uwe Dippel <udip...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Thu, Jun 3, 2010 at 7:18 PM, Richard Toohey
> <richardtoo...@paradise.net.nz> wrote:
>> OK, I've tried it and cannot reproduce what you see.  I've never done
>> an upgrade from bsd.rd before, so wanted to give it a go.
>> Obviously something different with your set-up, or where you got the files
>> from, or factor X - but as other people have said, they can't guess what.
>> In short - the basic bsd.rd "follow these instructions" worked for me
>> OK, I start with 4.6 amd64 (either 4.6 or just pre-4.6 release)
>> uname -a
>> OpenBSD dellamd64.home 4.6 GENERIC#0 amd64
>> But before I upgrade, what's /sbin/pfctl?
>> $ ls -l /sbin/pfctl
>> -r-xr-xr-x  1 root  bin  492664 Dec  3 23:12 /sbin/pfctl
>> $ md5 /sbin/pfctl
>> MD5 (/sbin/pfctl) = 3e1fa4f69809adff432f9da62010a6a7
>> http://openbsd.org/faq/upgrade47.html
>> "One easy way to boot from the install kernel is to place the 4.7 version
> bsd.rd in the root of your boot drive, then instruct the
>>  boot loader to boot using this new bsd.rd file. On amd64 and i386, you do
> this by entering "boot bsd.rd" at the initial boot> prompt."
>> OK, I'll get the bsd.rd from the 4.7 release CD (but could have used FTP.)
>> /usr/bin/su root
>> mv /bsd.rd /bsd46.rd
>> mount /dev/cd0a /mnt/
>> cp /mnt/4.7/amd64/bsd.rd /bsd.rd
>> umount /mnt
>> eject /dev/cd0a
>> reboot
>> ... boot > boot bsd.rd
>> ... Welcome to the OpenBSD/amd64 4.7 installation program.
>> ... I choose upgrade ... take defaults all the way until ...
>> Location of sets?  [What do I do here?  I'll try http, and take the
> defaults.  What did YOU do here?]
>> bsd, bsd.rd, base47.tgz, misc47.tgz, comp47.tgz, man47.tgz, game47.tgz,
> xbase47.tgz
>> xshare47.tgz, xfont47.tgz, xserv47.tgz ... all get to 100% no errors.
>> ... rest of install, reboot ...
>> $ uname -a
>> OpenBSD dellamd64.home 4.7 GENERIC#112 amd64
>> $ ls -l /sbin/pfctl
>> -r-xr-xr-x  1 root  bin  500856 Mar 18 15:36 /sbin/pfctl
>> $ md5 /sbin/pfctl
>> MD5 (/sbin/pfctl) = 7720c9a4dc100fe29d2d3c4a16954eb4
> Thanks, Richard.
> No, you couldn't encounter it.
> It comes in later.
> I have now the whole upgrade session of my third machine, the log is > 2
> Whenever I rebooted, it was okay:
> 1. reboot to start bsd.rd - okay
> 2. reboot directly after bsd.rd upgrade - okay
> 3. reboot after 'Final steps', before pkg_add - okay
> 4. reboot after 'Upgrading packages' - okay
> 5. reboot after patching - old files and wrong timestamps - bummer, as
> Theo might say.

you mean applying the errata47.html patches? If so, are you certain
your source tree is tagged OPENBSD_4_7 and not anything else?


> I wonder if I can put the file up into the open, or if it contains
> security-related matter.??
> As bz2 it is just 91 k; I will of course make it available to
> individuals on request.
> Uwe

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