On Wednesday 21 July 2010 23:32:28 Han Boetes wrote:
> Even though I don't agree with you -- since the man threatened me
> with violence after a very thoughtful remark: On the matter of
> GPL/BSD license preference I suggested to respect each others
> opinion instead of verbally insulting one another. -- I do
> appreciate your attempt to have a sane conversation and
> retionalisation. I suggest ignoring the ignorant.

Ok. I understand.
> Michael R. Littlejohn wrote:
> > I have to disagree with you.  I believe Mr. de Raadt is misunderstood.
> > He may have a quick wit, a sharp tongue, and is obviously a driven
> > individual.  He may very well be abrasive and difficult to talk to, but
> > if he were an asshole, he would be somebody like Bill Gates (satan).
> > I say this because I have to cope with A.D.D. and I come off to some
> > as an asshole when my intent is the opposite.  My opinions about
> > life and people are very different from what most people think.  After
> > learning more about OpenBSD, this project, and Mr. de Raadt, I wouldn't
> > change a thing.  If he were an agreeable person, he would not have
> > accomplished this much.  Sometimes being the "Nice Guy" just means
> > your a doormat for everyone else.  Assholes take advantage of other
> > people.  Mr. de Raadt has created a free, functional, and secure
> > operating system for anyone to freely use, and doesn't manipulate
> > markets to make a boat load of cash from some haphazardly
> > manufactured product.
> >
> > Being that 95% to 99% of us on this list don't know Mr. de Raadt
> > personally, I don't think we need to worry if he is going to hurt our
> > feelings.  We only need him to continue to do what he does best.
> # Han

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