> >   -d 1                               Diehard OPERM5 Test           Suspect
> >   -d 14                                Diehard Sums Test        Do Not Use

And from the site:

    Note that a few tests appear to have stubborn bugs. In particular,
    the diehard operm5 test seems to fail all generators in dieharder.


    Similarly, the diehard sums test appears to produce a systematically
    non-flat distribution of p-values for all rngs tested, in particular
    for the "gold standard" cryptographic generators aes and threefish, as
    well as for the "good" generators in the GSL (mt19937, taus,
    gfsr4). It seems very unlikely that all of these generators would be
    flawed in the same way, so this test also should not be used to test
    your rng.

Enjoy your windmill tilting.

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