On Thu, 7 Oct 2010 05:54:18 +0900 (JST)
z6w...@yahoo.co.jp wrote:

> Thanks everybady for answering my stupid question.Seems like the cause
> wasn't
> DVD drive.I'm afraid of that I said stupid things.
> I haven't found
> informations of somebady who installs OpenBSD on this 
> VAIO.However I found
> some informations of installed Linux on this VAIO
> in some websites.there say
> instalation will stop without disable pci.
> Some of them also disable usb by
> the command below.
> linux ide2=0x180,0x386 pci=off
> linux ide0=ata66 ide1=ata66
> ide2=0x180,0x386 nousb
> Does OpenBSD also have commands like these?
boot -c

Go to www.openbsd.org and look at the manual boot_config(8)

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