On Oct 29 06:54:07, James A. Peltier wrote:
> <snip>
> | > No I cannot just put and get. Moving hundreds of gigabytes of
> | > medical imaging data around with FTP/SSH would be out of the
> | > question.
> | 
> | Yet moving hundreds of gigabytes of medical imaging data
> | around with NFS is OK. More specifically yet, moving them
> | around with NFSv4 is OK, but moving them around with NFSv3
> | is not. Right?
> | 
> | Let's stay technical: what exactly does NFSv4 do for you in your
> | situation that NFSv3 does not? "Kerberos security", as in "users
> | authenticate themselvzes"? "Firewall friendly"? How exactly is
> | NFSv4 more "firewall friendly" than NFSv3?
> | 
> | (Don't get me wrong: I want a multi-platform shared storage too.
> | I do it with NFSv3. You use NFSv4, Kerberos, and Samba. How exactly
> | is that better?)
> | 
> | Do you need file access or file transfer, in the sense of
> | Callahan's standard "NFS Illustrated" book?
> | 
> | Jan
> Okay, while we do employ NIS/NFSv3 now. this is on a completely segmented 
> network.  The data that is being transferred is separate from the rest of the 
> network.
> In the new setup this will not be the case.

You should have stated this clearly in the original mail:
"we have a properly segmented/isolated network where we use
NFSv3 to share data. Now the network will no longer be segmented
and/or isolated. So I think I need NFSv4 now".

> It was but one example of why NFSv4 might be chosen over NFSv3.  The added 
> Kerberos authentication is but one step in providing additional data security.
> I understand  that it does not substitute for good password security.  It was 
> but one example of why NFSv4 might be chosen over NFSv3.  
> NFSv4 with kerberos supports encryption. While using krb5p, every 
> communication between client and server is sent over the wire after it was 
> encrypted which was not supported by NFSv3.
> NFSv4 is stateful and uses a single port. Port 2049
> I am looking for file access just like we are currently providing with NFSv3. 
>  We just need to add additional levels of security in the sense of 
> authentication and access control to work across a less secure, non-segmented 
> network.  I am *not* using OpenBSD for *any* of this.  I was merely 
> attempting to offer input as to why someone *might* require NFSv4.
> --
> James A. Peltier
> Systems Analyst (FASNet), VIVARIUM Technical Director
> Simon Fraser University - Burnaby Campus
> Phone   : 778-782-6573
> Fax     : 778-782-3045
> E-Mail  : jpelt...@sfu.ca
> Website : http://www.fas.sfu.ca | http://vivarium.cs.sfu.ca
>           http://blogs.sfu.ca/people/jpeltier
> MSN     : subatomic_s...@hotmail.com

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