----- Original Message -----
| On Oct 29 06:54:07, James A. Peltier wrote:
| > <snip>
| > | > No I cannot just put and get. Moving hundreds of gigabytes of
| > | > medical imaging data around with FTP/SSH would be out of the
| > | > question.
| > |
| > | Yet moving hundreds of gigabytes of medical imaging data
| > | around with NFS is OK. More specifically yet, moving them
| > | around with NFSv4 is OK, but moving them around with NFSv3
| > | is not. Right?
| > |
| > | Let's stay technical: what exactly does NFSv4 do for you in your
| > | situation that NFSv3 does not? "Kerberos security", as in "users
| > | authenticate themselvzes"? "Firewall friendly"? How exactly is
| > | NFSv4 more "firewall friendly" than NFSv3?
| > |
| > | (Don't get me wrong: I want a multi-platform shared storage too.
| > | I do it with NFSv3. You use NFSv4, Kerberos, and Samba. How
| > | exactly
| > | is that better?)
| > |
| > | Do you need file access or file transfer, in the sense of
| > | Callahan's standard "NFS Illustrated" book?
| > |
| > | Jan
| >
| > Okay, while we do employ NIS/NFSv3 now. this is on a completely
| > segmented network. The data that is being transferred is separate
| > from the rest of the network.
| >
| > In the new setup this will not be the case.
| You should have stated this clearly in the original mail:
| "we have a properly segmented/isolated network where we use
| NFSv3 to share data. Now the network will no longer be segmented
| and/or isolated. So I think I need NFSv4 now".

I had already pointed out that this network was segmented from the rest and I 
was not asking if I should use NFSv4.  I was pointing out why someone might 
choose NFSv4.  That fact that I am choosing to use it is somewhat irrelevant to 
the thread but it exploded from the question of "why not to use NFSv4".

James A. Peltier
Systems Analyst (FASNet), VIVARIUM Technical Director
Simon Fraser University - Burnaby Campus
Phone   : 778-782-6573
Fax     : 778-782-3045
E-Mail  : jpelt...@sfu.ca
Website : http://www.fas.sfu.ca | http://vivarium.cs.sfu.ca
MSN     : subatomic_s...@hotmail.com

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