Does the PS3 support ipv6? Are Sony's servers IPv6 compliant. The
better option is to acquire IPv6 transit someway (either by
terminating a tunnel broker pipe and advertising RA from your openbsd
box) or better still switching to an ISP that support native v6

Kind regards


On 1 February 2011 12:13, Chris Cappuccio <> wrote:
> the alternative is UPnP, which you'd need a supporting daemon to add port
mappings into pf to support with an obsd gateway
> Josh Smith [] wrote:
>> misc@,
>> I recently acquired a playstation 3 and have been running into some
>> difficulties playing it online behing my openbsd gateway. B After doing
>> some research and testing I have been able to overcome most of these
>> problems by appending the static-port option to my nat rule. B I
>> understand the concept that this prevents pf from modifying the source
>> port on the packets as they are natted. B But I am curious as to what
>> implications "flipping this switch has". B At least I'm guessing there
>> must be something since it is not the default behavior.
>> Thanks,
>> --
>> Josh Smith
>> email/jabber:B B
>> phone:B B 304.237.9369(c)
> --
> Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food - Hippocrates

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