
I hope someone can help me here. I have a small wordpress website from which I am sending emails using a free plugin to my ISP SMTP server over STARTTLS (smtpauth.exchange.iinet.net.au:587.

Now I am trying OpenSMTP which should do the job but for some reason it returns "550 Invalid recipient" when I try to send emails through it.

All I want is the MTA to accept the mail and forward it to the smarthost. Any idea?

Here's my /etc/smtpd.conf file:
table secrets file:/etc/mail/secrets
listen on port 25
action "relay" relay host smtp+tls://smtpauth.exchange.iinet.net.au:587 <http://smtpauth.exchange.iinet.net.au:587> auth <secrets>
match for any action "relay"


match from any for any action "relay"

If that doesn't fix it, its because OpenSMTPD has build in protections against accidental "open relay" configurations, requiring authentication from a incoming non local connection. I'm guessing that could make it non local, though.

If OpenSMTPD runs on the same machine as the webserver you could just "listen on" your loopback device and let wordpress connect to If it needs to be done over it gets complicated. You will need to activate authentication, which requires an encrypted connection thus a need for a certificate.

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