I tried to add a label as suggested but it still failed (see below). It
seems to be a common problem with certain MTAs and Exchange SMTP. I was
testing Postfix yesterday and it was returning the same error.

Plus it also returned an MX record error this time.

Oh well, I have a working solution, so I'm happy. Thanks!

smtp connected address= host=localhost
smtp message msgid=06a23caa size=582 nrcpt=1 proto=ESMTP
smtp envelope evpid=06a23caa3c49f696 from=<xx...@marketconsulting.com.au>
smtp disconnected reason=quit
mta connecting address=smtp+tls:// host=
mta connected
mta tls ciphers=TLSv1.2:ECDHE-RSA-AES256-SHA384:256
mta server-cert-check result="success"
*mta error reason=AUTH rejected: 535 5.7.3 Authentication unsuccessful*
smtp-out: Disabling route [] <-> (
smtpauth.exchange.iinet.net.au) for 15s
smtp-out: No valid route for [connector:[]->[relay:
mta delivery evpid=06a23caa3c49f696 from=<xx...@marketconsulting.com.au>
to=<xx...@gmail.com> rcpt=<-> source="-" relay="
smtpauth.exchange.iinet.net.au" delay=12s *result="TempFail" stat="Network
error on destination MXs"*
smtp-out: Enabling route [] <-> (

On Fri, 11 Nov 2022 at 21:03, Thomas Bohl <opensmtpd-misc-64...@aloof.de>

> > I had initially some authentication issues with my ISP Exchange SMTP
> > host ("530 5.7.1 Client was not authenticated")
> If I'm not mistaken that is probably because the host-option doesn't
> have a label for the credentials table. Your /etc/mail/secrets has to
> look like this:
> label1  user:password
> and the host entry has to contain it like this:
> action "relay" relay host smtp+tls://label1@exchange.example:587 auth
> <secrets>
> > but when I switched to
> > their general purpose SMTP host, it worked fine.
> They probably accept everything as long as the sending IP is from their
> own range.

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