On Tue, Nov 10, 2009 at 7:02 PM, Davis Family

> I have scene several muslim groups speak out about it, but it doesn't make
> the news, because THAT is not the result desired.
> Tom, you know all about propaganda and it being used to conform the masses
> to accept behavior or have more of a willingness to allow trampling of
> rights.
> I assure you, if you went to Palestine, you would hear of stories of crazy
> Jews attacking them.  If you went to Israel you hear about crazy
> Palestinians...  If you go to a black neighborhood you hear about those
> white cops...
> And many nations have wondered why WE silently stand by and let our
> CHRISTIAN nation kill so many people all over the world, and occupy their
> nations and appoint their options for who they vote for.  We are not as
> silent as we appear... but the propaganda machines would let them continue
> to believe that.  So, they will hate us.
> And if they wanted us gone already, then we would be, Christianity is the
> smallest religion out of the major 3.  Islam practically fills the earth,
> they or the Chinese for that matter could just walk on in with swords and
> beat us with the sheer numbers.
> On Tue, Nov 10, 2009 at 9:51 AM, Tom Martz <> wrote:
>> Not being one who is afraid to call a spade a spade, I'll wade into this
>> conversation.  At this current juncture in our history the only individuals
>> who have been attacked militarily has been via Muslim extremist.  I'm not
>> aware of any Jew, or you name the religious sect taking up arms and killing
>> thousands of our people unless you include Congress.  Are most Muslims
>> extreme ? probably not however when a religious nut murders an abortion
>> doctor the religious come out in droves to condemn the senseless act of
>> violence being perpetrated on another individual.  This does NOT occur in
>> the Muslim community which gives me the sense that they endorse what has
>> transpired.  Silence by its own omission is the act of complacency to an
>> action.  If one does not speak up for government waste then they endorse
>> that action through their own inaction.  It is much the same within the
>> Muslim community.  Through there silence they have told me what occurred in
>> Ft Hood  was something they condone, and YES this is one American who is
>> ready to say we've had enough get your ASSES back where you belong until
>> such time as you can play within the confines of our American sandbox.
>> Perhaps what we need to do is smear this guy with pig oil and incinerate
>> him and let every Muslim know this will occur to any other senseless attack
>> on any American.
>> On Tue, Nov 10, 2009 at 9:07 AM, Jeremy D. Young <
>>> wrote:
>>> Would you be more comfortable with:
>>> "Yeah!  Nuke the Middle East! Blow up every last one of those blasted
>>> muslims!  How dare they attack us!?"
>>> There's only a billion of them...  If they were both militant and
>>> competent, don't you think we'd all be under the sword already?  They
>>> would have formed into armies and invaded all of the nations around them.
>>> There are Muslim Militants.  I don't think they're competent enough to
>>> be feared.
>>> There are Muslims who are not militants. Hundreds of Millions of them.
>>> More non-militant Muslims in the world than there are Americans.
>>> The enemies are those that would use fear to take away our freedom.
>>> Fear of Economic Collapse, Fear of Terrorism, etc.  Terrorism doesn't
>>> work if we refuse to be afraid.
>>> This country was founded on the principles of Freedom.  Particularly
>>> freedom of Religion.  Who are you to say that a particular religion is
>>> unacceptable?
>>> Individuals, especially citizens of the United States of America, still
>>> have First, Fifth, and Sixth amendment rights.  If they commit a crime,
>>> they should be judged for their actions, not their membership of some
>>> group or label.
>>> Any individual that opens fire and kills numerous people should be tried
>>> by jury and, if found guilty, punished in the same manner whether
>>> Christian, Muslim, White, Black, Arab, etc.
>>> If you don't have rights as an individual, you risk losing all of your
>>> rights when associated with an unfavorable group.
>>> We all stand before God as the ultimate judge of our actions.  Let us
>>> not attempt to assume his position of judgment over a billion people.
>>> Jeremy D. Young
>>> Jerry W Blevins wrote:
>>> > I have followed this thread of thought in this mailing, now we know why
>>> > we have the problems we have, the enemy is us.
>>> >
>>> >
>>> >
>>> > Jerry
>>> >
>>> >
>>> >
>>> > *From:*
>>> > [] *On Behalf Of *D L
>>> Wells
>>> > *Sent:* Sunday, November 08, 2009 5:22 PM
>>> > *To:*
>>> > *Subject:* Re: Shooter handed out Korans yesterday morning
>>> >
>>> >
>>> >
>>> > I agree with Eric and Charity.  The mass-hysteria and hatred is
>>> > overwhelming.
>>> >
>>> > A crazy guy "lost it" and shot people, just like lots of crazy people
>>> > do.  It doesn't discount the fact that it was a horrible, horrible
>>> > thing, but hysteria breeds unrealistic conspiracy theories against a
>>> big
>>> > mass of people.
>>> >
>>> > Ask the Christians, ask the Jews, ask black people, ask brown people,
>>> > ask the JCLS, ask the John Birch Society, ask gay people, ask Ron Paul
>>> > supporters, ask women, ask anyone who has been put into a big boiling
>>> > pot of oil for being the 'wrong' color, religion, sex, belief, etc.
>>> >
>>> > I'm glad this guy will be brought to justice.  I pray for the souls of
>>> > the dead, those they leave behind, and I continue to pray for my
>>> country.
>>> >
>>> > Deb
>>> >
>>> > On Sun, Nov 8, 2009 at 1:58 PM, Davis Family
>>> > < <>>
>>> wrote:
>>> >
>>> > There are extremists in every group there is.  I try not to judge all
>>> of
>>> > them based on the actions of a few.
>>> >
>>> >
>>> >       "Nearest in love to the Muslims wilt you find those who say, 'We
>>> >       are Christians':
>>> >       because these are men devoted to learning & men who have
>>> renounced
>>> >       the world, they are not arrogant. (Quran, 5:82)"
>>> >
>>> > May those who are non-Christians find that we hold to their
>>> expectations
>>> > of us.  That we seek to understand their teachings on a personal level,
>>> > and not base them on what the TV or other media claims that they
>>> > believe.  I am sure that the Jews wished to be seen as individuals and
>>> > not just worthy of death because of their faith.  As a member of The
>>> > Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, I am quite familiar with
>>> > how blind hate with the backing of governments and media outlets can
>>> > bring to pass the justification of trampling upon the rights of an
>>> > entire group.  Remember, and I have said it many times, what you are
>>> > willing to justify in doing to others, including preaching against
>>> > faith, that you weaken your own liberty, and open the door for others
>>> to
>>> > do the same to you based upon your faith, or some other ridiculous
>>> label.
>>> >
>>> >
>>> > On Sun, Nov 8, 2009 at 11:27 AM, Fred B. Ellison <
>>> > <>> wrote:
>>> >
>>> > Eric,
>>> >
>>> >
>>> >
>>> > You need to educate yourself on the true beliefs of Islam. As a
>>> > Christian, I do not believe that I can force anyone to obey God. This
>>> > decision is a voluntary change of heart that leads to a change in
>>> > outward actions. This is not the teaching of Islam which is based on
>>> the
>>> > forced submission to the will of Allah (God). This attitude is
>>> > completely contrary to the concept of liberty and self-responsibility.
>>> > The non-Muslim is considered to be no better than a slave to be
>>> > exploited for the benefit of Muslims. Do your research and you will
>>> > understand how very dangerous all Muslims actually are.
>>> >
>>> >
>>> >
>>> > Fred
>>> >
>>> >
>>> >
>>> >
>>> --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
>>> >
>>> > "Today, we need a nation of Minutemen, citizens who are not only
>>> > prepared to take arms, but citizens who regard the preservation of
>>> > freedom as the basic purpose of their daily life and who are willing to
>>> > consciously work and sacrifice for that freedom." - John F. Kennedy
>>> >
>>> > "Facts are stubborn things; and whatever may be our wishes, our
>>> > inclinations, or the dictates of our passion, they cannot alter the
>>> > state of facts and evidence." - John Adams
>>> >
>>> > "Extremism in defense of liberty is no vice, moderation in the pursuit
>>> > of justice is no virtue." - Barry Goldwater
>>> >
>>> > "As an American, I am not so shocked that Obama was given the Nobel
>>> > Peace Prize without any accomplishments to his name, but rather that
>>> > America gave him the White House based on the same credentials." - Newt
>>> > Gingrich
>>> >
>>> >
>>> --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
>>> >
>>> > CONFIDENTIALITY NOTICE: This email and any attachments are confidential
>>> > and may be protected by legal privilege. The information contained
>>> > herein is for the sole use of the intended recipient and any
>>> disclosure,
>>> > copying, distribution, or reliance on this message or any attachment by
>>> > unintended recipients is strictly prohibited. If you have received this
>>> > message in error, please notify us immediately by replying to this
>>> email
>>> > and deleting it from your computer.
>>> >
>>> > --- On *Sat, 11/7/09, Eric Vought /<
>>> > <>>/* wrote:
>>> >
>>> >
>>> >     From: Eric Vought < <>>
>>> >     Subject: Re: Shooter handed out Korans yesterday morning
>>> >     To:
>>> >     <>
>>> >     Date: Saturday, November 7, 2009, 5:41 PM
>>> >
>>> >
>>> >
>>> >
>>> >
>>> >     On Nov 6, 2009, at 12:23 PM, Fred B. Ellison wrote:
>>> >
>>> >     >
>>> >     >
>>> >     > The massacre at Ft. Hood yesterday has stunned and grieved
>>> America.
>>> >     > Everywhere people are asking questions. How could this happen on
>>> a
>>> >     > secure military installation? What drove him to do it?
>>> >     >
>>> >     > Our heavy hearts go out to the families who have suffered this
>>> >     > shocking loss.
>>> >     >
>>> >     > What is not shocking is the spin the “establishment media” is
>>> trying
>>> >     > to put on this horrific massacre. For instance, Fox News this
>>> >     > morning interviewed a “criminal profiler” who asserted
>>> definitively
>>> >     > that this attack had nothing to do with religion, that the man
>>> was
>>> >     > “troubled.” (In fairness to Fox News, they are at least raising
>>> the
>>> >     > questions about jihadism as a motive.)
>>> >
>>> >
>>> >     etc.
>>> >
>>> >     First of all, we have no idea why this man did what he allegedly
>>> did.
>>> >     After 16 years and even the opportunity to talk to the shooter, I
>>> >     still do not know precisely why the shooter at my college did what
>>> he
>>> >     did. He does not precisely know himself.
>>> >
>>> >     What I would like people to consider, however (not necessarily
>>> accept,
>>> >     but "consider") is that this may have to do with religion but not
>>> in
>>> >     the way this email suggested. Several years back, we had an
>>> incident
>>> >     on base in (I believe) Kuwait, where a Muslim US soldier attacked
>>> his
>>> >     own unit with a pair of hand grenades. He had been deeply disturbed
>>> by
>>> >     the training he was given to go into Iraq and "shoot ragheads",
>>> that
>>> >     it was perfectly OK to torture "stinking ragheads", and that things
>>> >     would not be OK until the last Muslim was dead. He sought a
>>> conscience
>>> >     discharge because of the pervasive religious discrimination in his
>>> >     unit. This was a man who volunteered to serve his s country, the
>>> "Land
>>> >     of the Free," and was persecuted for his religion. His request for
>>> >     discharge (or transfer) was denied and the persecution continued
>>> until
>>> >     he snapped.
>>> >
>>> >     We do not know that anything like this happened with Major Hassan,
>>> but
>>> >     it is certainly as possible as any other motive. Is it right for
>>> >     "Protestant American" soldiers to persecute "Muslim American"
>>> >     soldiers? How do we "preach to the Gentiles" if we are too busy
>>> trying
>>> >     to shoot them all?
>>> >
>>> >     He "handed out Korans" the day of the attack? And? Is this not
>>> legal
>>> >     in this country? If I hand out Christian literature on a street
>>> >     corner, am I a "terrorist"? Maybe he did this every morning for the
>>> >     past ten years!
>>> >
>>> >     If you want to know why Muslims (in America or otherwise) hate
>>> "us",
>>> >     look no further than this email from "ACT America." In my mind, it
>>> is
>>> >     not Christian behavior to hate members of any religion (or of no
>>> >     religion). How clear does the Bible make it that not one of us is
>>> >     "righteous"? Attempt to lead by example and convert people through
>>> >     compassion. If someone physically assaults us, then certainly we
>>> >     respond, but there is no need for hate or persecution before or
>>> after.
>>> >
>>> >     The continued frothing at the mouth about all and any Muslims being
>>> >     demonically possessed makes me sick. According to my religion, I
>>> >     believe them to be mistaken, but that does not mean that they are
>>> evil
>>> >     or more prone to evil than we are. Certainly we can all think of
>>> >     examples of evil people who have labelled themselves as
>>> "Christian",
>>> >     such as, for instance, the Nazis (a Gnostic Christian cult), or the
>>> >     Catholics who slaughtered the Albagensians (my ancestors), the
>>> >     horrendously violent Knights Templar, or the warfare/terrorism in
>>> >     England, Ireland, and Scotland between different sects of
>>> >     Christianity, etc...
>>> >
>>> >     We need to get a grip and realize that evil does not come with
>>> >     consumer-friendly labels. None of us have a monopoly on truth,
>>> >
>>> >     Sincerely,
>>> >
>>> >     Eric Vought
>>> >     "Faith does not absolve us from trying to understand our world and
>>> >     make moral distinctions with the eyes and brain given us. Religion
>>> is
>>> >     as much responsibility as direction: Duty not Distinction."
>>> >
>>> >
>>> >
>>> >
>>> >
>>> >
>>> > --
>>> > Visit
>>> >
>>> >
>>> > Learn the 28 Principles of Liberty
>>> >
>>> >
>>> >
>>> >
>>> >
>>> >
>>> >
>>> >
>>> >
>>> >
>>> >
>>> >
>>> > >
>> --
>> "no cause is lost if there is but one fool to fight for it"
>> ~Will Turner~
>> ~Pirate's of the Caribbean @ World's End~
>> The power to tax involves the power to destroy.
>> ~Justice John Marshall~
>> Just because you do not take an interest in politics doesn't mean politics
>> won't take an interest in you!
>> -Pericles (430 B.C.)
>> A legislative act contrary to the Constitution is not law.
>> ~Justice John Marshall~
>> >>
> --
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> Learn the 28 Principles of Liberty


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