On Oct 28, 2010, at 7:45 AM, Jerry Blevins wrote (Quoting Ron Silverman):

Many of them make the following assumptions: That politically-active Muslims are acting out of political motivations rather than Islamic religious motivations; that they cherry-pick verses out of the Quran to justify their actions, but Islam is not what motivates them;

The problem is that all the statistical evidence we have is that it IS political motivations driving them. It is not an assumption but a theory supported by much evidence. People may believe in Islam before we invade their countries, but they do not necessarily blow themselves up until we stir the kettle.

But even if that were not true, you cannot outlaw an *idea*. Even if it were provably true that every single Muslim and his grandmother in all of history were a stinking rotten scum, you accomplish nothing by fighting "Islam". You fight the abuses actually committed--- not the idea--- and you end up right either way. *If* you were right and Islam is "not a religion" but a global anti-American, anti-Christian conspiracy, you still end up in the same place, but you avoid violating the very principles you claim to believe in and which you claim they violate.

I don't think you can really argue against the hard evidence. But even if you could win that argument, you would still face the harder question of whether we should be evil to fight evil. That isn't a question about what "they" do or do not do or what "they" do or do not believe but rather a question about US and what we want to be, and that is really much more important.


Eric Vought
"Faith does not absolve us from trying to understand our world and make moral distinctions with the eyes and brain given us. Religion is as much responsibility as direction: Duty not Distinction."

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