OK, sorry for shitting up the bug report.

I probably can't get to this before I leave on a business trip, but
here's the basic patch:

all work in engine/ratecontrol.cpp.

in getScratchFactor: just return raw scratchfactor value or 0 if nan.
no extra logic for < 0 values.

in calculaterate:

if (searching) {
        rate = m_pRateSearch->get();
} else if (paused) {
        if (m_bVinylControlEnabled)
                rate = scratchFactor;
        rate += jogFactor + wheelFactor/10.;
} else {
        rate = 1. + getRawRate() + getTempRate();
        rate += wheelFactor/10.;
        if (m_bVinylControlEnabled)
                rate *= scratchFactor;
        rate += jogFactor;

        // If we are reversing, flip the rate.
        if (m_pReverseButton->get()) {
            rate = -rate;

let me know if this is totally unhelpful.


On Thu, 2010-04-08 at 22:10 +0200, Sean M. Pappalardo - D.J. Pegasus
> Hello.
> I'm taking this discussion off of the bug report (since it's off-topic)
> and onto the mailing list.
> (This is referring to https://bugs.launchpad.net/mixxx/+bug/519892)
> Owen Williams wrote:
> > In my opinion, fixing this small bug wouldn't fix vinyl control in
> > trunk.  No offense to the original code, but there are a lot of issues
> > in that feature.  Rather than spend time trying to patch up the old
> > code, I think we should consider disabling vinyl control completely
> > until my branch is ready to be merged in.  That might provide some
> > motivation to get it wrapped up and done.
> We can't remove a feature from an impending release, especially since it
> worked acceptably in the past. My current understanding is that your
> work is slated for merging in time for 1.9, not 1.8.
> Assuming that's the case, I would propose making the fix I describe in
> the bug report to the current (1.7-era) vinyl control code for 1.8 so it
> at least works as in 1.7, then we can focus on merging your work for
> 1.9. If you don't want to make that fix, that's fine, but someone needs
> to before we can release 1.8. (You and Albert are just the two most
> familiar with that code ATM.)
> Sincerely,
> Sean M. Pappalardo
> "D.J. Pegasus"
> Mixxx Developer

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