On Mon, 2012-03-19 at 18:31 +0100, Sean M. Pappalardo - D.J. Pegasus
> On 03/19/2012 06:17 PM, Owen Williams wrote:
> > To start with I'm going to do deck-sync, ironically because it's the
> > most demanding (esp with scratching) but also because I can put off
> > learning midi a little longer.
> Also, and please excuse me if this is obvious, it seems to me that it 
> would be easiest to create a single central clock (that can be a MIDI 
> clock master or slave,) then all other parts of Mixxx would sync to (or 
> set the speed of) that source via whatever internal method you create. 
> Then "deck sync" would just be a matter of one virtual deck setting that 
> central source, and the other(s) syncing to it via that internal method.

Yup that's exactly what I'm doing.  The master sync will broadcast a bpm
value (for instant adjustment) as well as sync pulses.


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