Hi Daniel and Max,

Here's some feedback to the message below and the new

On Thu, Apr 26, 2012 at 4:24 PM, Daniel Schürmann <dasch...@mixxx.org> wrote:
> Hello Mixxx,
> thank you Keith and Max for your comments.
> I think Max's mock-up includes very good ideas and is a good starting point
> for checking against our requirements.
> Here are my main library-use-cases. (Please correct me, if you have
> different ideas)
> 1.) Browse the library and crates for upcoming tracks
> * Sort and filter the track table
> * Preview tracks in library player
> * Read additional information about interesting the tracks like
> ** Metadata
> ** Similar tracks
> ** Lyrics
> ** Cover Arts
> * select song as possible follower
> 2.) Seach for a special song
> * Search in all meta information
> * Preview Songs in Library player
> * select song as possible follower
> 3.) Select a special song from file system
> * Search in all meta information
> * Preview tracks in library player
> * select song as possible follower
> 4.) Prepare track's Meta data
> * Mass Tagging
> * Analyze Songs
> * Rate Songs
> 5.) Sort Song's
> * Into crates
> * Into playlists
> 6.) Control Auto DJ
> 7.) Looking for track selector's tracks

Yeah, I think that more or less covers the main use cases.

> Ideas:
> * A static track table on the right with a small filter edit is always
> useful.
> ** I like to have an option for grouping by album or genre.
> * I agree with Max we should have an always visible preview player. This is
> needed in nearly all use-cases

Maybe this is a job for Jus, but it would be good if the preview
player visually communicated what output it's going to. If the preview
deck doesn't make noise come out of my speakers the first time I run
Mixxx, I'm going to think Mixxx is broken.

> ** Maybe we could add a view which displays additional Meta-Data of the
> preview track if required
> * I agree with Keith and Max that we the current tree view is only
> interesting in short moments and need not to bee displayed at all the time
> ** Display the "old" tree on demand is good idea. For Me, This tree should
> only what is displayed in the Track table
> * Its a good Idea to have the file system browser not in the same tree,
> because this gives the option to have also a symbol view with an address bar

Yeah, although I like the work that was done to add support for a tree
in the left pane of our library, I think it's a bit awkward to
actually navigate a file tree there because you have to constantly
expand the divider. If we could somehow move file navigation back to
the right-hand pane, that might be nicer.

> * The selector tabs (buttons) on the left are looking very tidy. I would
> like to have them horizontal, because I think we need some additional
> buttons and our vertical space is already limited.

My personal opinion is that vertical buttons are very difficult to
read and should find a way to not use them. They're not part of any
interface guidelines on Windows or Mac, and they don't exist on any
platform outside KDE. They're not a standard widget and I can't read
text sideways, so I think we should try to avoid them.

> ** For now I like to have:
> *** Library | PC | Auto DJ | Track Sector |  Track Info | Filter (Banshee
> like) | Second track table (Norton Commander) | Notepad
> * I Am not sure how to control the second track table.
> ** We need something to collect the upcoming tracks (maybe the AutoDJ
> playlists)
> ** And something to collect wishes and ideas like the CD stacks on the
> desktop
> ** And to create new playlists
> ** Maybe its also a good Idea to allow to split the static track table on
> demand, what do you think?

After seeing the mockup with the split track view, I can definitely
see how this could be very useful. That might be a good main starting
point for moving forward with the UI design. (I'd suggest trying to
figure out how you'd want the two-pane view to work.) I think it would
make crate and playlist management much much easier if you could see
both a crate/playlist and the library at the same time.

> * Additional to the filters I like to have an Index based search. Maybe we
> can put the edit also on top of the track table or we can integrate it with
> track selector or ...
> By the way: I don't think to should start to implement all Ideas. It's just
> a vision to know in which direction we should go with each future project.

This is great, thanks for brainstorming guys! I'm looking forward to
seeing even more new ideas.

Thanks again,

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