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I keep track of my own bugs and those I subscribe to best, so here
are a few relevant ones juxtaposed with observations and

- - Library view v0.1.2 -

This more or less offers a solution to "request filter system in
browser on i.e. genre tag"
(https://bugs.launchpad.net/mixxx/+bug/671630). Great! Your designs
seem more or less satisfactory.

- - Browse PC view v.0.3 -

My concerns are:

"option to subdivide Library tracks into virtual folders"

and "Add Preview column in Browse, and External Libraries views"

The arguments are provided at the bugs, but a synopsis is that I
strongly feel that large collections are well served by being
sorted into folders. My preference is to create folders by artist,
but others might prefer genre or something else. Browse view
currently allows a Mixxx user to browse their files by whatever
structure they have crafted in their local filesystem.

I'm all for relegating the Browse view to an impromptu discovery
tool, but only if its current advantage of using folders is ported
elsewhere in the Library.

Two more items:

I'd like to ask what you think of "lasso (rubber band) select in
library" (https://bugs.launchpad.net/mixxx/+bug/1093598). For
adding swaths of tracks to either AutoDJ, Analyze, Playlists, or
Crates, rubberband select can't be beat, and is far and away
superior to ctrl+clicking groups of tracks.

The other is "all scrollbars midi-scriptable"
(https://bugs.launchpad.net/mixxx/+bug/1463677). Many controllers
have a browse rotary dial with push toggle, for browsing libraries.
It only works currently in Mixxx if the user selects a track
explicitly, at which point the browse knob can do some scrolling.
It takes way too many steps to get to that function and making the
scrollbars scriptable would clean this up considerably.

Lastly, I've looked over the entire proposal with an eye toward
eventual touch features, and really the only thing I can find that
might cause problems are Library view v0.2.0 (v0.1.1), wherein
right-clicking is discussed, an awkward requirement in touch
interfaces, but this is a larger issue throughout the project and
in this case there are alternative routes to the same result so it
should be ok. Other than this nitpick, I'm a little worried about
treeview at all for touch devices as treeviews typically favor
small (read: not finger size) controls for collapsing and expanding
the tree. This again is a problem which already exists (if it can
be agreed it is a problem at all) and not something Joan's proposal
introduces. Still, it ears mentioning that facility which relies on
treeview probably won't work elegantly for eventual touch workflow.

The only aesthetic complaint I have is that subdividing the Library
into too many sections starts to look like some kind of fractal,
with smaller and smaller nested fields; it can devolve into a soup
of confusing rectangles. There needs to be a way that the hierarchy
of parents is unmistakable, in other words, what object on the left
is responsible for any given rectangle on the right. Perhaps a
color trace (a colored line) or shared highlight color, flowing
from a tab to its boxes?

All in all, it looks like a solid apprehension of our needs, with
only a few loose ends. Thanks for the effort and vision, Joan!


On Sun, 03 Apr 2016 06:59:12 -0100 "Daniel Schürmann"
<dasch...@mixxx.org> wrote:
>Hi skin artists,
>IMHO Joan's proposals, will work good together with various future
>But how about the beauty?
>Are there special demands, he has to consider to work smoothly
>with all
>sorts of skins and design aspects?
>Which part might become an independent widget?
>If Mixxx will have a touch or a radio skin, will it still work?
>Does anyone have a cool idea to make the library look modern?
>Thank you for comments.
>Kind regards, Daniel
>Am 02.04.2016 6:35 nachm. schrieb "Joan Marcè i Igual" <
>> Hello,
>> I am Joan and I am currently at my third year of engineering in
>> Science and Mechanical Engineering at UPC, Barcelona.
>> I applied for GSoC under Mixxx for a Library Layout Redesign.
>> The idea is to change the current Qt TreeView (at the left of
>the library)
>> to buttons at the left allowing more space in the view, change
>the playlist
>> view, change the current library view and (if there's enough
>time) add a
>> Browse PC view where the user can select songs directly from a
>PC folder.
>> The project will split developed in different releases with a
>new release
>> every two weeks.
>> You can see all the info in the proposal document (
>> Also I include the mock-up of the proposed redesign.
>> I will be waiting your feedback.
>> Regards,
>> Joan Marce
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